Media Kit

Founder University is a 12-week course for builder founders with an idea or MVP. We help founders hit early milestones, such as launching an MVP, acquiring initial users, or securing their first investment. The goal upon graduation is for founders to be ready to attend an accelerator, such as the LAUNCH Accelerator.

Alumni from
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Startup Founders
Aspiring Entrepreneurs


200 Companies
(per cohort)

Past Partners

No-code platform
Cap table management
Compliance for startups
Back-end for startups

Partner Benefits

Introduction For Marketing - Course X Webflow Template

Partner representative to give a tactical presentation to the cohort


Partner logo displayed on event website, event slides, and event communications


Thank you tweet from @founderuni


Access to founder community + Interact with attendees


Host office hours / breakout room in midweek check-in

Get in Touch

Rate (per cohort)